Mountains of the Winged Ones


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You see huge cliffs in front of you. Some creatures are flying back and fourth.

"Are those... dragons?" you ask Kaytara.

"No," she answers, "they're Pegasi."

Just then, one of the beautiful creatures soaring in the sky comes down and lands in front of you.

"This is Arigo," says Kaytara. "He is the leader of our flock."

You bow to the Pegasus. He nods his head in a greeting. Kaytara says something to the Pegasus, he nods again and flies away.

"You'd want to adopt a pegasus, won't you?" she says to you. You nod fiercely at the thought of putting one of these creatures on a webpage.

"Let's go then."


To the adoptions


Visit Kat's adopted pegasi


Copyright(c) 2003 Ekaterina Romanova. All Rights Reserved.